A dream is a goal without a deadline
Один билет в театр явно лишний. А именно - в Глобус на дневной спектакль. Он, сука, теперь не лезет в мое расписание. Никак. Никуда. Куда его деть-то?
Он ломает все мои планы. Выкидывать жадно. Как сбросить букинг - не нашла(((.
Shakespeare’s Globe regrets that it cannot offer refunds once tickets have been purchased.
Tickets may be exchanged for future performances if returned to the Ticket Office with at least 28 days notice. There is an administration charge of £2.50 per ticket.
If you wish to return tickets that you cannot use before the performance, Shakespeare's Globe will endeavour to sell these provided we are completely sold out. There is a one off administration charge of £2.50 for this, irrespective of the number of tickets re-sold or returned. We cannot guarantee the re-sale of tickets. Only original tickets can be offered for re-sale (not Duplicate or agency tickets). We reserve the right not to accept tickets for re-sale.
перешла на страницу покупки билетов и ушла, то ли на terms and conditions, то ли на что-то похожее )
или смотрела жопой(((